24 March 2005

Ooooh... Digital Joy

So I discovered the joy of digital Photography. Okay, maybe it's not so much digital photography, but the fact that I can take the shot over and over again and know instantly if it works is pretty cool. I have a pretty automatic camera, but it can keep its shutter open for up to 15 seconds...

Keep posted, I'll be doing some cool things in the future with this.

23 March 2005

Pork Dumping

Pork Dumping
Originally uploaded by atomiton.
Okay... So where exactly do I dump my Pork? I mean seriously, I've been wanting to dump my pork for a while now, I've got so much extra. Last night we went out for vietnamese food. the waitress was surprised when I greeted her in Vietnamese. (sounds a little like Dchow Gee) which led to some hilarity as Tony decided that it was insanely funny and rambled on for what seemed like eternity in Vietnamese. Oh well, at least he invited her to the memorial.

It's a funny shot... I've walked past this sign many times, but I've never noticed this... but yes, it is in an Asian mall in East Vancouver. Too funny.

I'm sure starting Sunday, I'll have plenty more engrish to share with you from Japan. Here's another good one from a local Thai Restaurant called "Take Thai Home"

Cheers all... until next time.

22 March 2005

Episode IV : In expectation of a Prequel

No one likes to start at the beginning, so I'm firmly starting in the middle. It's been clearly established (thanks be to George Lucas) that you can indeed start at the beginning, after the conclusion has been made. So from now on, I plan on watching the end of the movie to make sure it ends well, and then go back and view the beginning. It's better that way. Trust me on this one.

Well, so begins (or rather, eventually continues) this blog.

A Preview of things to come:

  • Japan! Yes, I'm going to Japan... and it will be great.
  • Japanese! (Closely related to the Japan Topic, I will share my observations of learning a language which has been called as grammatically distant from English as you can possibly get.)
  • TESOL! (The Joys of teaching people how to talk... in Engrish)
  • Weddings! There are years which are full of them. Oh the Ills and Spills...