Apparently I can send a blog entry just by emailing my blog. So when I'm stuck somewhere I can blog to my heart's content and write stuff.
Take for example today. I was in ikea and I really felt like a rat in an enormous cage, except instead of rewarding you for finding the way out, the goal of the game is to keep you inside the maze for as long as possible. And when you finally find your way out you're rewarded with long line-ups (queues) and a long receipt you always spend more than you planned to and the furniture typically lasts as long as a three year-old's attention span is while watching elmo on sesame street.
Ikea, swedish for cheap meatballs and pasta.
Then again, ikea may be cheap crap, but it's disposable furniture. Single use furniture, if you will.
Any hardcore ikea fans out there?
--Gary Armstrong--
I could watch Elmo for ages.
aaaah la joi d'ikea!c'est de la merde vraiment!and the price sais it all...but if your willing to bid a little higher on your budget well then theirs good stuff.
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