01 February 2006

Paper Doors and sitting on floors: Japan Series #5

They Really do Exist! Sliding paper doors. And yes, you can see silhouettes through them. How... revealing. Oh the opportunities! Anyway, if you lean against them... you WILL put a hole through them... and they're exactly as you would imagine. Japan may have westernized quite a bit since WWII but there are plenty of old-world Japanese Charms like paper sliding doors and sitting on tatami mat floors, still left in Japan. You just have to look a little harder. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

So there are paper doors!but no windows. so cool thaugh!the whole culture....so different from quebec culture,with the mapple sirup and plad shirts and ho-downs,you must be in your japonese heaven when you're there everything is soooo different!

Atomiton said...

true, everything is different... but you'd be surprised how popular maple syrup is. It's maybe the number #1 gift from Canada for Japanese.

Quintessentially Canadian.

Anonymous said...

Maple syrup? Jeez.

Anonymous said...

so if the have maple sirup in japan well that must meen they eat pancakes!and not raw fish for breakfast,or no was it raw horse? i love horses, and hey weren't you horseback ryding with seiko.....tradder! you ride em...then you eat em.....RAW!

Atomiton said...

They get maple syrup as presents... I'm not really sure what they use it for... but crepes are more popular than pancakes. Most of the food in Japan is healthy too... except for White rice, that is.

And to all the horse lovers... when's the last time you wore leather shoes... or drank milk?

If we weren't intended to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with eating meat... personally, I don't consume a lot of it.

Anonymous said...

I have names for horses... like "Tender" as in tender meat... and "Ed"... as in Ed-ible.