12 May 2006


Let me get one thing straight. I'm not a gamer. I've never really been a gamer, although when I was younger I loved mario and stuff.

Modern video games have too steep a learning curve.
Enter the Wii. Formerly called the Revolution, it's the first system I've actually wanted to buy. It looks amazing and easy to use... the controller becomes an extension of your arm.



Creative said...

Good thing I've got too lil time to play this... and it's a good thing you don't either. Seiko, on the other hand... hmm, better get her that working VISA quick! :)

Atomiton said...

My condition to buying a TV for her, is that I buy a Wii for me. It's the first gaming system I've actually WANTED to own.

Creative said...

Good on you... buy a nice TV, huh?