03 November 2005

A brave new day...

So, I decided to make use of the fact that I have a blackberry (and yes, my dependence on this beast is growing daily) and set it up so I can actually email updates to my blog from anywhere. It's too bad I can't send pictures as this thing has no camera (what was RIM thinking!!!) But it will serve its purpose well as a mobile rantbox.

It scary how fast the world has changed from sending mail to one person to posting videos and photos from a mobile phone (except blackberries) the size of a few credit cards stuck together.

Recently I've also been getting into podcasts, the video versions of which have been feeding my lust for a new video ipod, or at least a new nano.

But alas, weddings are expensive... And therefore technolust will have to be put aside... For a few months.

But if you want to check outwhat video podcasts are all about, you should go to itunes (you are using itunes, right?) And do a search in the itunes music store. There's some pretty cool stuff in the regular podcasts too.

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