In Search of coolness...
So, apparently, these new furry hooded jackets are in style again. Cool, i remember being 3 the last time they were in style... it's about time. Our model, Reuben, here is modeling how you are meant to walk down the street. You are not actually meant to wear the hood (that would be uncool... you can't let people think you're dressing for the weather, after all. Rather than that, you're meant to strike the
quasimoto pose and stagger down streets... and that, my friends is definitely the coolest thing I've ever seen.
And if you didn't detect the whiff of sarcasm... then your ofactory sense needs a new scentometer. Seriously though, these jackets are cool... though I don't know why I'd need one in Vancouver, unless it had a built in reverse tractor beam for rain... now someone has GOT to invent some sort of rain force shield. They'd make millions... and of course, spend billions in making it... but that's what military trickle down technology is for, right?
If you click the title bar, you'll be able to get your very own minks... Yay. ^_^
I cannot stand those jackets.
i love those jackets,they'd sure come in handy over here in new brunswick!
i guess it's out of necessity then, Mon.
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