The first point is grammatically perfect... I think it was copied off a parking sign somewhere.
But anyway, even the second point is pretty good... if not a little awkward... but still, understandable and not that strange....
Even the 3rd point is only missing a measly little 'n' in taken. So far, this looks like a 700-800 Toeic tested japanese translator.
But the 4th point... now this is where all the randomness breaks down and it becomes hilarious. I mean, it's understandable and all... and really, if "the" was changed to "by" all would be okay and pretty understandable... but there's something comical about a banner telling you to call the phone... we all understand that you're wanting to call a person... but i had this distinctive urge to go to the nearest phone and start talking to it... imagine:
"Hi, are you the phone?"
"I have a problem with my locker... can you help me?"
The problem is that in Japan... where everything talks to you... I wouldn't be surprised if it actually talked to me...
Welcome! how are you? Are you happy? Please dial your number! Thank you very much!
Seriously... escalators talk to you in Japan... telling you thank-you and to take care.
I need a machine that talks to me in Japanese.

ha!ha!ha!that is soooo funny!and by the way,are you really moving to japan? like forever?so i guess you'd be running into lots of signs like these hen.
eventually, we'll probably move to Japan for an undisclosed period of time.
well...define what an undisclosed period of time meand...undetermined? indeffinit? it's not funny being french...you and your big words!Ah les grosses paroles qui parfois ne veule rien dire.
it means... "i don't know when. I don't know how long."
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